Don’t these programs give drivers, especially young drivers, too much confidence?
Generally, all drivers are optimistic about their driving ability. This is more so with young drivers. Defensive driving can help them to gain a more realistic view of their ability and to recognise the risk-taking behaviours that may lead to crashes.
Our programs address the five human elements that make up our driving profile: Skill, Attitude, Motivation, Behaviour, and Awareness. We call it our SAMBA driver profile and through practical learning exercises, drivers realise their limitations.
I have a driving licence, so why would I want to do further driver training?
For most drivers, the training that occurred before obtaining a licence focused on passing a test in basic car control techniques and road law.
The very high crash and the death rate for newly licensed drivers is evidence that this training and the test itself, are inadequate. However, as a driver’s experience on the road increases their crash rate usually decreases provided they survive.
Undertaking Defensive Driver training programs can help drivers to learn safe driving strategies in a planned way rather than relying on experience alone.
Can better driving be achieved in one day?
As with any training, there is a limit to what can be achieved in short courses. Improving your driving is a continuous learning process.
Our basic Defensive Driving Program has been operating since 2015 and has continually developed in response to research and changing vehicle and safety technology.
People tell us that they have learned more in one day than they have in 20 years of driving. BDTAS offers a range of programs and refresher training should occur to ensure drivers keep up to date with the latest information. We could run courses for weeks but most drivers have neither the time nor the desire to do that.
Why are there concerns about skills-based driver training?
The terms “skills-based” or “traditional” driver training have created considerable confusion and uninformed debate within the road safety industry. Skills-based training has been loosely used to describe the training that focuses solely on vehicle control skills particularly to deal with emergencies such as skid control.
Driver training providers like BDTAS have acknowledged this research and skid control training is not used in defensive driving programs. However, learning what causes skids and how to avoid them is crucial for crash avoidance.
What is missed by those who use the term "skills-based" to denigrate driver training, is the fact that they show their ignorance about safe driving which is absolutely dependent on driver skills such as scanning for hazards, assessing risky situations, decision making about appropriate speed, managing emotions, avoiding distractions, making allowances for other road users, ensuring their vehicle is in a safe condition - the psychological or cognitive skills.
In industries where the application of safe skills is crucial, there is no debate about skills-based training. But some road safety advocates and government officials choose to confuse the issue and deny the available facts and this is partly due to the lack of credible research, especially in Barbados. BDTAS' training is based on the evidence that is available from safe behaviour modification programs and research in other fields such as aviation safety.
Can’t anybody set up a Driving School?
Yes, they can. That is why you should be particular and do your homework on which driver training course you attend. The driver training industry is largely unregulated but the leading providers require certain qualifications and standards.
Choose a provider that can prove their credentials as an accredited Registered Training Organisation and that their staff has a broad qualification base beyond driving instruction.
Does the Government Support Driver Training?
All governments support initial training for learners but the glaring gap in government road safety strategies is the lack of ongoing post licence training.
The crash and death rate for newly licensed drivers ought to be reason enough to do something but governments are wary of training.
One likely reason is cost. Whereas other road safety initiatives such as speed enforcement are revenue generating, training may impose a cost burden.
There are political ramifications as well. Most drivers consider themselves above average so if governments started forcing them to improve their driving by attending a course, many drivers would be resistant, even offended.
Governments face an interesting dilemma though. Occupational health and safety legislation requires employers to provide training, particularly vehicle familiarisation training yet there is no requirement for governments to promote this to the public.
Can I Attend a Driving Course While Pregnant?
Attending a driver training course that is properly designed to improve your safe driving behaviour and reduce risks while driving, should not be a risky endeavour just because you are pregnant.
In fact, not learning about how to avoid emergency situations and crashes may place you and your unborn child at greater risk if you drive vehicles.
The following are some basic guidelines:
1. Your safety and well-being override everything else – if you have any concerns while pregnant, then you need to seek your Doctor’s advice before driving or attending a driving course.
2. Seat Belt - if you are pregnant and you drive or you are a passenger, it is essential that you correctly wear a seatbelt at all times. In a crash or emergency braking situation, a poorly fitted seatbelt may be the cause of injury to both you and your unborn baby. Make sure the lap section of your seatbelt fits firmly across the bony section of your hips and below your abdomen. The shoulder section of the belt should cross your sternum to provide upper-body restraint preventing you from being thrust forward in an emergency.
3. Correct Seating - in the event of a crash or emergency braking situation, you need the maximum distance between your abdomen and the steering wheel in case the airbag deploys. You may need to move your seat back to achieve a gap of at least 25 centimetres between the steering wheel and your breastbone. This may need to increase as your pregnancy progresses but there may be a limit to this movement and your ability to control your vehicle safely. If your vehicle has height and telescopic adjustable steering, use this to help maintain the optimum safe seating set-up.
4. You are in control – at all times whilst attending a BDTAS course, you need to be comfortable. Sometimes you will be seated in the training room or undertaking driving activities and at times you will be outdoors, standing and observing others. If at any time you are concerned or feeling uncomfortable, please talk to your trainer. You can choose not to take part in a particular activity – observing and listening to the trainer will suffice in covering your learning.
The practical exercises you will undertake in the driver training course simulate real driving scenarios and are no more strenuous than those you may encounter in everyday driving.
If you would like more information WhatsApp us on 247-9797.
Why is this program run at a race track?
Motor racing circuits are just some of the venues used for Defensive Driving Programs because they have the facilities we require, for instance, tutorial rooms and safe road surfaces that can be divided into appropriate driving activity areas.
BDTAS uses venues across Barbados ranging from car parks, pastures, and dedicated driver training facilities. All do the job just as well because genuine defensive driving programs do not involve undertaking high-speed work or hot laps of racing circuits.
BDTAS also conducts RoadCraft programs on-road in normal traffic for assessment and coaching purposes.
Of great concern is the fact that some providers undertake driver training activities, such as emergency braking, on public roads. This is highly dangerous for other road users, if not illegal. These providers attempt to distinguish themselves by advocating against off-road courses.
Are these programs run by motor racing drivers?
It is not surprising that some drivers who have an intense interest in driving in all its forms become driver trainers. BDTAS trainers have driver training qualifications and backgrounds arising from their experience and have appropriate and recognised licenses for the program they are teaching.
If racing car drivers are so skilled, why do they have so many crashes on our roads?
All, racing drivers are not all highly skilled. Like in any sport, those who engage usually cover the whole spectrum of capability.
Research conducted many years ago in America showed racing drivers had higher crash rates than the general public. The research was inadequate because it assumed that the skills used in motor racing are the same for general road traffic situations. Further, the research assumed a level of skill on the basis that the racing drivers had a competition licence and it failed to isolate a likely characteristic of racing drivers being higher risk takers — a key factor in road crash causation.
This research is used as a manipulative argument often quoted by persons with vested interests and indicates a wowser approach.
Motor racing has provided massive safety improvements for the general motoring public and most drivers would do well to copy the defensive skills of competent top-level racing drivers. These drivers have perfected the skills of anticipation, looking up ahead, and reading the situation allowing them to change their driving to stay out of trouble.
Additionally, they don’t drink and drive when racing, they are very fit and alert and they concentrate.
What are the “Online Class Rules”?
- Must have a camera on at all times with the student sitting close enough for the instructor to easily see all facial features.
- Must have a working microphone.
- Display full legal name on Zoom screen.
- Entire face must be visible at all times.
- Room in which the student sits must be well lit.
- Hats and hoods are not to be worn during class.
- Student’s attention must be on the class at all times.
- Texting and other non-class related activities on the phone are not allowed.
- Students can not have a TV on or be talking to other people in the room in which they sit or have conversations with other students in the virtual classroom.
- Student’s must be sitting in a chair and sitting at a table or desk with a pen/pencil and paper to take notes.
- Students cannot be in a vehicle, sitting on a bed, sitting on the floor, or walking around.